Clonakilty Ispíní Sausages are available on Ocado

Did you know that Clonakilty Ispíní Sausages are available online with Ocado!

Our Ispíní sausages were first made in the late 1980’s in the Twomey’s butcher shop using 100% Irish pork and their expert butchery knowledge.

Initially sold only in the butcher shop in Clonakilty, West Cork, it was soon decided to sell them in shops all over Ireland due to popular demand.

Made with the same passion for quality, taste and tradition as the famous Clonakilty Blackpudding, the increasingly popular Clonakilty Ispíní Sausage is now available in the UK through Ocado.

Clonakilty Blackpudding and Whitepudding are also available on Ocado to buy now so why not pop your postcode into the Ocado Postcode Checker to see if they deliver in your area?

Clonakilty Ispíní Sausages have a delicious mild flavour and succulent texture and while traditionally served as part of a breakfast, they can be a special addition to enhance any starter, salad or main course.

Check out the many delicious recipes on our website. The Clonakilty Toad in the hole is one of our favourites!

Clonakilty Ispíní Sausages are available on Ocado

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